Gaurab Paul

Polyglot software developer & consultant passionate about web development, distributed systems and open source technologies

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Building GraphQL APIs powered by Vert.x, Dagger, jOOQ & Kotlin - II
Posted  3 years ago

This continues from our previous post in a series of articles where we explore a JVM based stack comprising of Kotlin, Vert.X and jOOQ for development of GraphQL APIs.

When we last left off, we had a simple GraphQL API with a single field in our Query type which was statically resolved.

Before we go further, let's integrate a dependency injection system that simplies the task of wiring up our application components. In this post we'll use Dagger. In contrast to many other popular DI/IoC solutions, dagger operates through compile time code generation, reducing the reflection overhead causing startup delay.

Feel free to skip this post, and checkout the next one in series if you don't want to use Dagger.

We will need to add dagger as a dependency as well as configure Kotlin's annotation processor Kapt to use dagger.

In pom.xml: project > dependencies


Kapt configuration goes into the Kotlin maven-plugin's configuration section:

23 lines collapsed (Other Execution Tags)

Let us move our GraphQL wiring to a Dagger module:

package me.lorefnon.sample.module
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class GraphQLModule {
fun provideGraphQL() = GraphQLBuilder().build()
inner class GraphQLBuilder {
fun build(): GraphQL = GraphQL
private val rawSchema = """
type Query {
hello: String
private fun buildRuntimeWiring() = newRuntimeWiring()
.type("Query") {
it.dataFetcher("hello") { "world" }
private fun buildExecutableSchema() =
SchemaGenerator().makeExecutableSchema(parseSchema(), buildRuntimeWiring())
private fun parseSchema() =

When the dependencies are coming from our own project we will typically use @Inject annotation in the classes to be injected.

However, when we are instantiating or configuring third party classes that we don't have control over we'll typically use @Provides annotation (as in the example above). These methods are conventionally named as provide* and are organized as what Dagger calls Modules (entirely unrelated to Java 9 modules developed as part of project Jigsaw). The @Module annotation marks our class as a Dagger Module.

The utility of the inner class may not be obvious at this point, but it just makes it easier to better organize the runtime wiring where we need access to our other services. This will likely be more evident once we start integrating more features in our API.

Our router integration can be moved to a Dagger module too:

package me.lorefnon.sample.module
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class RouterModule(private val vertx: Vertx) {
fun provideRouter(graphQL: GraphQL): Router =
Router.router(vertx).also { r ->

Note that both our Router and GraphQL instances are marked as @Singleton so dagger will only ever create a single instance of them and inject the same instance wherever needed.

The last dagger specific boilerplate class that we need to write is a dagger Component that acts as a facade for the code that isn't wired up using dagger. This can be used to bootstrap our injector and also makes dagger instantiated instances available to non dagger managed code.

A dagger Component is typically written as an interface that will be implemented by Dagger at compile time:

package me.lorefnon.sample
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@Component(modules = [
interface MainVerticleComponent {
fun getRouter(): Router

While we may have many services instantiated through dagger, we will not need to add accessors for all of them to the Component above. The only one we will need in our tutorial, is a the router accessor, which makes the router instance (which is created through dagger) available to our MainVerticle class (which is not created dagger).

If we run mvn compile, dagger will generate a DaggerMainVerticleComponent that implements our MainVerticleComponent class.

We can now use the companion Builder of this class to wire up the dependencies of our verticle:

Let us update our MainVerticle to make use of the Dagger generated MainVerticleComponent implementation:

package me.lorefnon.sample
import io.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle
import io.vertx.core.Promise
import me.lorefnon.sample.module.*
class MainVerticle : AbstractVerticle() {
val component by lazy {
override fun start(startPromise: Promise<Void>) {
.listen(8888) { http ->
if (http.succeeded()) {
println("HTTP server started on port 8888")
} else {;

(component needs to be lazy because when class is instantiated vertx instance is not available)

If we run mvn compile exec:java now, we will have the same API as before, but now with DI integrated.

In the next part of this series, we will look at integrating the Jooq geenrated DAOs into our GraphQL API.