An introductory tutorial on making event scheduling management more accessible and configurable to administrators through database driven admin interfaces in Rails.
An exploration into the delegation pattern and how it can be useful in various aspects of a Rails application
The context
SPF.js a lightweight javascript library to incorporate dynamic page updates that dramatically reduces perceived page latency. Quoting from the Repo Homepage:
Using progressive enhancement and HTML5, SPF integrates with your site to enable a faster, more fluid user experience by updating just the sections of the page that change during navigation, not the whole page. SPF provides a response format for sending document fragments, a robust system for script and style management, an in-memory cache, on-the-fly processing, and more.
While for complex dynamic sites which have a significant amount of client side logic, I still recommend adopting a client side javascript framework, but for content focussed sites, a nifty utility like SPF.js can be very useful.
`browserify-rails` + `babelify` is a hassle-free solution if you are planning to use ES6 modules with sprockets, compared to the officially recommended `sprockets-es6`.